Sunday 18 January 2009

Double praise for British kit

The MoD reports that on a recent visit to the frontline, Quentin Davies, Minister for Defence Equipment and Support, heard quite a bit of praise for the quality and quantity of the kit and equipment now available to the guys in Afghanistan.WMIK Land Rovers, Javelin missiles and night-vision equipment came in for particular praise from those that use them and the increase in the availability of helicopters - Merlins and Lynxes - was also welcomed.In return, the Minister praised the soldiers themselves for their successes in Afghanistan, particularly their recent heroic effort in Operation Sond Chara.
Praise for British equipment also came last week from our American allies. Where once-upon-a-time the Americans referred to the British as "The Borrowers" because of their propensity to borrow (with or without their allies' knowledge) articles of kit and equipment, today they reckon our troops have some of the best gear available. A group of US Army Command Sergeant Majors said that a proliferation of new kit, vehicles and weaponry through procurement programmes and urgent operational requirements had cemented the British Army's standing as an elite power.
Although both these reports are sourced from the MoD's website, there have been a lot of articles in the media in recent weeks about improvements in the equipment available to the troops. Let's hope so, anyway ..... and that it's sustained.