The inquest into the deaths of the ten servicemen lost when an RAF Hercules
crashed three years ago in Iraq has now been scheduled for March 2008.
That it has taken over three years for the inquest to take place is bad enough in itself. But the Labour Government has now announced that there will be no legal aid support for the families of the nine British servicemen killed. This is typical of the indifference and insensitivity which this Government shows towards the Armed Forces. Contrast this attitude with that of the Australian Government which will be providing financial support to the family of the Australian serviceman killed in the same incident. The circumstances surrounding the downing of the Hercules are controversial, so much so that the British Government will be sending three lawyers to represent them. Perhaps the Australian lawyer will be able to look after the interests of the British families as obviously the British Government doesn't give a damn.

That it has taken over three years for the inquest to take place is bad enough in itself. But the Labour Government has now announced that there will be no legal aid support for the families of the nine British servicemen killed. This is typical of the indifference and insensitivity which this Government shows towards the Armed Forces. Contrast this attitude with that of the Australian Government which will be providing financial support to the family of the Australian serviceman killed in the same incident. The circumstances surrounding the downing of the Hercules are controversial, so much so that the British Government will be sending three lawyers to represent them. Perhaps the Australian lawyer will be able to look after the interests of the British families as obviously the British Government doesn't give a damn.
This now has the stink of "cover up" all over it.

BBC: Ten feared dead in Hercules crash