Recent excavations in Rimini have thrown new light on the the medical
treatments available to your average Roman citizen in the third century. The finds show that in addition to sophisticated surgery techniques other treatments such as drugs and diet were used to cure the sick.
Following the slaughter of the Civil Wars which followed the death of Julius Ceasar, a professional medical corps was introduced into the Roman imperial armies. Over the next 500 years this medical corps advanced the treatments for battlefield injuries to a level not again reached until the Napoleonic wars of the 19th century. Indeed all doctors and medics in the Roman imperial armies had to have passed through the official army medical school. The RAMC also provided advice on hygiene in army camps and the avoidance of battlefield epidemics.
The Telegraph: Roman ruins cast new light on a trip to doctor

Following the slaughter of the Civil Wars which followed the death of Julius Ceasar, a professional medical corps was introduced into the Roman imperial armies. Over the next 500 years this medical corps advanced the treatments for battlefield injuries to a level not again reached until the Napoleonic wars of the 19th century. Indeed all doctors and medics in the Roman imperial armies had to have passed through the official army medical school. The RAMC also provided advice on hygiene in army camps and the avoidance of battlefield epidemics.

The Telegraph: Roman ruins cast new light on a trip to doctor