Wednesday 16 April 2008

MoD Police may be getting Tasers

The MoD Police are currently trialling Taser X26s to see if the 'less lethal' weapons would be a suitable addition to their armoury. What's interesting is the lengths the MoD is going to reassure everyone that the tasers will be used in a strictly controlled way and that the human rights of the recipients will not be infringed; the tasers are even fitted with an onboard computer to log usage, presumably to be used as evidence in a subsequent compensation court case. Apparently, although a taser generates 50,000 volts, it only delivers 0.0021 amps and it's the amps which do the business (NB a household plug carries 13 amps). Judging by the protective outfit that the 'victim' in the trials is wearing, even being zapped by a mere 0.0021 amps is something to be avoided.
Link> MoD Defence News: Taser goes on trial with MOD Police
Link> AV: MoD Police to guard critical national infrastructure