The Ministry of Defence Police (MDP) has been given a three year contract to provide protection at Britain's Critical National Infrastructure locations. Called Operation Vintage, high visibility armed MDP units will guard four important gas installations against possible terrorist threats.
Unlike the UK's civil police which is made up of autonomous regional forces, the MDP is a national organisation with approximately 3,500 officers. The MDP normally provides armed guards for over 100 defence installations that require a high level of security, such as guarding Britain's nuclear deterent. It also:
- provides special convoy escorts e.g. when nuclear materials are being transported;
- escorts vessels, including nuclear submarines, into and out of HM dockyards and provides waterborne security at dockyards;
- investigates fraud and corruption offences against the MoD;
- carries out anti-terrorist searches;
- has dog-handling teams which seek out explosives and drugs;
- provides personnel protection for VIPs.
Link> MoD: MOD police to continue protecting UK Gas installations
Link> Ministry of Defence Police
Link> MoD: About Ministry of Defence Police
Link> MoD Defence News: TalkThrough, the magazine of the MoD Police