The Chancellor
of the Exchequer announced in his annual national Budget speech that, in addition to the 130 Supacat vehicles already on order, a further £40million is being provided from Treasury (i.e. not MoD) funds to purchase another 72 of the ATVs.
Called MWMIK (Mobility Weapons Mounted Installation Kit), the Supacats are all terrain vehicles which meet the Army's operational requirement for high speed/high mobility/long range and come armed with a .50 calibre machine gun or an automatic grenade launcher and a General Purpose Machine Gun.
Sounds just what I need when trying to get to work on a Monday morning.
Called MWMIK (Mobility Weapons Mounted Installation Kit), the Supacats are all terrain vehicles which meet the Army's operational requirement for high speed/high mobility/long range and come armed with a .50 calibre machine gun or an automatic grenade launcher and a General Purpose Machine Gun.
Link> The Mail: The 80mph 'Mad Max' monster targeting the Taliban
Link> MOD signs contract for new Army patrol vehicles
Link> The Sun: Troops get new Supacats