a neat counter-swipe to the schoolteachers' criticism of the Armed Forces recruitment methods, the Army is reported to be introducing a bursary scheme aimed at boosting recruitment and improving the literacy skills of new recruits. The Army is finding that the standard of education in the UK is so poor that almost 50% of its applicants have a reading age of 11.
It seems that, if the teachers can't teach our kids to read, write and add up, the Army is going to have to do it for them!

It seems that, if the teachers can't teach our kids to read, write and add up, the Army is going to have to do it for them!
The £2,000 offer will encourage school leavers to 'stay in education and then join the army'.
Link> The Guardian: Army offers bursaries to boost recruitment
Link> Armed Forces International: British Army Launches Bursary Scheme for New Recruits