Thursday 28 February 2008

Talon Sword - RoboWars (III)

Following on from my article Robo Wars - war for the Xbox Generation , it seems that four Talon Sword robots are already in service with the US 3rd Infantry Division in Iraq and the US Department of Defense has 80 more on order. These robots are versions of remote-controlled, track-wheeled bomb disposal devices and can be equipped with various weapons including machine guns and rocket launchers.
According to the Telegraph, the US Department of Defense (DoD) will be spending £12 billion over the next 25 years on robotic air, land and sea systems. The DoD programme looks likely to produce lethal robots that can operate autonomously, without human control. This would be contrary to the International Laws of War which hold that humans must be part of any decision to use robots to kill.

Link> The Telegraph: Robot wars 'will be a reality within 10 years'
Link> Global Security: TALON Small Mobile Robot
Link> YouTube video: Foster-Miller Talon UGV