Thursday 29 November 2007


The MoD has been merrily spending cash (nearly £2million!) on resurfacing tennis courts at military bases. This at at time when it has been cutting essential maintenance work (you know, like repairing leaking roofs) needed on army barracks. They've obviously got their priorities sorted then! The MoD does now accept that the decision "seems questionable in hindsight"!

This latest revelation comes from the Public Accounts Committee which has also discovered that over 50% of the MoD's single housing and 40% of its family homes (19,000 units) are sub-standard. With plans to upgrade 900 units per year, some service families will continue to live in sub-standard accommodation for the next 20 years!

The Guardian: MoD put tennis courts before housing repairs, say MPs
The Times: MoD resurfaced tennis courts but left barracks roofs leaking