In return for Darren putting his life on the line in the service of his country, he gets a kick in the teeth when he tries to establish a family life in that same country.
“I didn't mind going out to Afghanistan and Iraq, I didn't complain. I just don't understand why they won't let us have the visa. I'm not a rich bloke, but we have enough money, and I have never claimed anything off the government.”
So this is what it's like in nuLabour's Britain: a British war veteran is banned from bringing his wife and child to live in his native land while thousands of foreign "dependents", economic migrants and "asylum seekers" from God knows where and who have absolutely no commitment to the UK pour into the country every month with the blessing of the UK Border Agency.
Darren's local MP has petitioned the Home Secretary Alan Johnson to rectify this insulting, bureaucratic injustice. Unfortunately the government's commitment to members of the Armed Forces,past and present. is a joke; it would be better to get Joanna Lumley to fight his corner.
EDP24: Visa row splits Royal Anglian Afghan hero's family
Calgary Herald: Calgary wife of British soldier denied U.K. visa