The state-of-the-art Army Recovery Centre, a dedicated 12 bed wing of the £8.6 million Erskine Edinburgh Home, is the result of a partnership between the Army, veterans charity Erskine, and Help for Heroes who together are providing accommodation and support for soldiers wounded or injured during duty.
The £8.6million convalescing centre at Erskine is part of a pilot scheme which, if successful, will be rolled out across the UK. The facility is being seen as a stepping stone where injured soldiers can get treatment, speed re-integration back into army life, work towards getting promotion or move on to civilian life.
The Recovery centre was opened by CGS General Richard Dannett, who said: "This scheme will enable a smooth transition back to duty or to civilian life for those who have suffered appalling injury in service of their country. We look forward to seeing this pathfinder scheme informing the development of this capability across the country." (I hope this dip into nuLabour-speak is part of a subtle plan by The General).
The Centre is named after Corporal Mark Wright GC of 3PARA who was postumously awarded his George Cross for an act of "the greatest gallantry and complete disregard for his own safety in striving to save others."
It must be good that injured soldiers are going to have their own dedicated medical facilities once more and not have to share wards with civilians.
Erskine: The UK's first Army Recovery Centre opens
BBC: Home for injured soldiers opens