Wednesday 17 June 2009

UK/US military are talking to each other- MultiNational Experiment 3.0

The "special relationship" is still hanging on in there - at least as far as networking is concerning.Recent "Army Brigade Combat Team Modernisation netwrok interoperability testing" carried out by the UK and US armies is has shown that the two nations' Armed Forces can communicate effectively with each other and exchange intelligence data and messages between their respective computer systems (the UK's ISTAR?).

The miligeeks are saying that they were able to translate all the MoD's messages "pretty seamlessly" and that the experiment overall was a great success. In operational terms, that the two command networks can talk to each other will mean that a target, identified by either the US or UK forces, can be electronically passed on to whichever combat force can best deal with it.

Let's hope that nothing gets lost in translation.