Sunday 24 May 2009

133 Field Company: Freemen of Ashford

133 Field Company, REME, has been given Ashford's highest civic honour: the Freedom of the Borough. The TA unit has had a long association with Ashford having been based in the town for a number of years and recruiting mainly from the local area.

Leader of the Council Cllr Paul Clokie said: "It was a great and rare honour to have witnessed the Freedom of the Borough passed to the 133 Field Company. The unit has been active in Afghanistan and Iraq and has shown considerable bravery, and it is this and its long association with Ashford that makes this Freedom so deserved.”

Well done, Ashford! Well done 133 Field Company!

BBC: Highest civic honour for TA unit
Ashford Borough: REME given freedom of borough
Army.MoD: 133 Field Company