Sunday 1 February 2009

Christian faith no longer appropriate at Sandhurst

In the interests of political correctness the Church of England Creed has now been banned from services at Sandhurst.
The Academy's Reverend Jonathon Gough, or "Jonny" as he prefers to be called, has decided that, rather than upset the many Muslim, Jewish and Hindu cadets who attend his Anglican church services, the Creed, that most Christian of prayers, will henceforth be dropped - it's no longer fashionable, it's too absolute, too exclusive. In future Anglican services at Sandhurst are to be more.....multi-cultural, more...... nuLabour.

Army Chaplains are apparently to provide only pastoral care from now on; no more of that spiritual stuff, thank you very much.

The Mail: Silenced Christian soldiers: Sandhurst chaplain bans Creed 'so services won't offend minority religions'