MoD has agreed to pay damages of £250,000 to the army's first sex-change officer who lost a job after refusing to wear a male uniform for a medical. She claimed it would have been 'humiliating and demeaning' to attend the routine medical in May last year as a man because she was already living as a woman.

The MoD has already been slated for handing out huge compensation amounts to civil servants claiming for repetitive strain injury, backache and stress whilst going to great lengths to minimise the compensation amounts paid to injured soldiers.
The huge disrepancy between this latest massive £250,000 payout and the £10,000 compensation being paid to very seriously injured soldiers simply highlights how frightened the MoD is of litigation. The Ministry of Defence would rather roll over and give away £250,000 here and £430,000 there in job disputes rather than put up a defence in court. Their double-standards are sickening.
Link> The Mail: Fury of injured soldiers' families as sex-change Para captain 'wins £250,000' from Army
Link> The Mail: Why my hurt feelings are worth £250,000