House of Commons Defence Committee is currently conducting an inquiry into recruitment and retention in the Armed Forces. As part of this inquiry they are running an online forum to hear the views of former and current service personnel. They are also interested in the views of religious leaders, parents and guardians, and careers guidance counsellors. The aim of the forum is to find out what motivates some people but not others to join the Services and what factors can affect people's desire to remain in uniform over time. Needless to say they are "especially keen to investigate the disconnect that exists in the number of recruits from ethnic minorities who choose to join the Services".
DefComm's inquiry is aimed at identifying why the UK Armed Forces are failing to meet their recruitment targets. The MoD is already under pressure to find enough troops to sustain the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan; this pressure can only increase if sufficient new recruits cannot be found and if the current high level of personnel leaving the Services continues.
The web forum for posting comments runs until 21st May. Even if you are not 'eligible' to make a comment yourself, the forum itself is well worth a visit to read the comments from those qualified to make them.
Link> eConsultations: Recruitment & Retention in the Armed Forces
Link> Parliament: Defence Committee launches country-wide web forum on recruitment and retention in the services

DefComm's inquiry is aimed at identifying why the UK Armed Forces are failing to meet their recruitment targets. The MoD is already under pressure to find enough troops to sustain the operations in Iraq and Afghanistan; this pressure can only increase if sufficient new recruits cannot be found and if the current high level of personnel leaving the Services continues.
The web forum for posting comments runs until 21st May. Even if you are not 'eligible' to make a comment yourself, the forum itself is well worth a visit to read the comments from those qualified to make them.
Link> eConsultations: Recruitment & Retention in the Armed Forces