turned out yesterday to applaud and welcome home the 450 soldiers of 1 Battalion, The Coldstream Guards when they marched through the streets of Windsor accompanied by the drums of the Regimental Band. The parade was lead by Lance Corporal Simon Wiggins from his wheelchair; he had been seriously injured by a roadside IED and is now undergoing treatment at Selly Oak Hospital.
The Coldstream Guards, the oldest serving regiment in the British Army (they reckon it to be one of the oldest regiments in the world), was formed in 1650 as part of Oliver Cromwell's New Model Army and takes its name from the town of Coldstream just north of the border in Scotland.
The Battalion has recently returned from a six month tour in Afghanistan spent in Helmand and Kabul. During their deployment the troops focused on counter-insurgency and security operations and working with the local Afghan community building bridges, both literally and metaphorically.
Lt Col George Waters, commanding officer said: “We have achieved a huge amount in bringing security to Afghanistan. That is not to say that there is not plenty still to do, but we have done a lot in the time we have been out there. The parade means a huge amount to those returning home today.”
Well done Coldstreamers! Well done Windsor!
Link> BBC: Windsor welcome for Afghan troops

The Coldstream Guards, the oldest serving regiment in the British Army (they reckon it to be one of the oldest regiments in the world), was formed in 1650 as part of Oliver Cromwell's New Model Army and takes its name from the town of Coldstream just north of the border in Scotland.
The Battalion has recently returned from a six month tour in Afghanistan spent in Helmand and Kabul. During their deployment the troops focused on counter-insurgency and security operations and working with the local Afghan community building bridges, both literally and metaphorically.
Lt Col George Waters, commanding officer said: “We have achieved a huge amount in bringing security to Afghanistan. That is not to say that there is not plenty still to do, but we have done a lot in the time we have been out there. The parade means a huge amount to those returning home today.”
Well done Coldstreamers! Well done Windsor!
Link> BBC: Windsor welcome for Afghan troops