ashes of a Private Robert Foster were fired into space in a rocket last weekend during a ceremony near his old school in Harlow, Essex. Over 200 family, friends and comrades were present to witness the launch of the rocket which bore his regimental colours.

His father said: "It went the way we wanted it to go but it was like another funeral because all the Army boys were there and a lot of them were still out in Afghanistan when Robert's funeral took place..... Now he can forever look down on his old school and the town because he was a Harlow boy. It was a fitting tribute."
Pte Foster of 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment and two of his comrades Pte Aaron McClure and Pte John Thrumble were tragically killed in a friendly fire incident on 23rd August last year while fighting the Taliban near Kajaki in Afghanistan. The investigation into the incident is still ongoing.
Link> Harlow Star: Fireworks farewell to brave soldier
Link> Royal Anglian Regiment: In Loving Memory Of Pte Robert Graham Foster
Link> MoD Defence News: Privates Aaron McClure, Robert Foster and John Thrumble killed in Afghanistan