An increasing
number of people are registering their support for a new national bank holiday to honour the servicemen and women of Britain's Armed Forces. In a recent survey carried out by the Sunday Telegraph, 80% said they were in favour of an Armed Forces Day; the same poll also found that 90% thought that service personnel should wear their uniform in public.

Organisations and groups expressing support for a holiday to pay tribute to our Armed Forces include the National Recognition Study group, the Royal British Legion, the War Widows' Association, the Army Benevolent Fund and the Royal Naval and Royal Air Force Associations. Military chiefs, MPs and families of Britain's war dead have also called on the Government to recognise the contribution made by servicemen and women.
The turn out by the public at recent homecoming parades and the enthusiastic welcome that the troops have been receiving are indicative of the growing support across the country for the Armed Forces. The yobbish, foul-mouthed behaviour of the ignorant few in Peterborough and the twitterings emanating from teachers' common rooms are exceptional. The British Public is increasingly proud of our Forces. Home support for Armed Forces is palpable.
To galvanise support the Sunday Telegraph are running an online petition to call upon the Government to hold an annual Armed Forces Day as a way to honour the soldiers, sailors, airmen and women on active service today.
Link> Sign the online petition
Link> The Telegraph: Widespread support for an Armed Forces Day
Link> AV: Pressure mounts for Armed Forces Day
Link> UK Parliament: Early Day Motion 1167 - Public Recognition of the Armed Forces
Link> Scotland on Sunday: Brown to back national armed forces day in honour of troops
Link> The Telegraph: Des Browne "Armed Forces Day could stengthen the bond between military and public"