Tuesday 4 March 2008

Cameron launches review of the Covenant

Hot on the heals of Prince Harry's bemoaning of Army food and the frontline postal service, David Cameron has today announced that he has set up a "commission" to review the Military Covenant. The review will be headed by Frederick Forsyth, author of The Afghan, Dogs of War and Avenger, who said during a BBC interview that the Covenant between the British people as represented by the Government and the Armed Forces had been broken, that "40 British soldiers had been killed because of unsafe, obsolete and inadequate equipment" and that "service families were living in slums".
He said the aim of the review is "to find out what went wrong, how it went wrong and what can be done about it". When asked where the money would come from to put things right, Mr Forsyth became a little coy and said that that was something for the politicians to decide. He did, though, allude to waste in the Ministry of Defence and that doing away with that could be a source of funding.
The review has set up its own website http://www.militarycovenantcommission.com/ at which servicemen and women and their relatives, veterans and concerned members of the public can make their comments and suggestions.
Let's hope this is not just another gimmick.