Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Friends of the Forces acknowledged

The Royal British Legion has just launched a national awards scheme to recognise people and organisations who give exceptional support to the Armed Forces. The RBL asking the general public to send in nominations for their new Friends of the Armed Forces Awards and the winners will be chosen by category - individual, community group, young person, business.

Prince Harry, who kicked the scheme off, said: "These awards are an excellent idea, and I am very proud to be involved. I know how important support from home can be. For those serving in the British Armed Forces, the knowledge that others are thinking of them has a hugely positive effect that cannot be underestimated."

Nominations for the Awards close on 14th April. With so many individuals and groups now working to support our Armed Forces, the RBL is going to have a difficult time in deciding the winners.

The Royal British Legion: Prince Harry backs Friends of the Forces Awards
MoD: ArticleFriends of the Forces Awards launched