The Army Benevolent Fund has appointed the design agency Dragon Rouge to give it a new image.
According to Joe Hale of Dragon Rouge, the Army's crest of a lion and two crossed swords "can be hard for some potential audiences and donors to understand".
Emma Harvey, director of fundraising and communications for the ABF, said: "The current identity is not very strong and it needs a refresh – it needs to appeal more to a younger audience and also to potential donors".
Ms Harvey goes on: "The new identity will have to have impact and it will need to be obvious what the charity is about."
The new branding will be applied to all the ABF’s regional and national communications and fundraising campaigns and is expected to be launched in spring next year.
Personally I can't think of anything clearer than the Army's logo and the words "Army Benevolent Fund - Supporting the Best" - but then what do I know? I suppose a "younger audience" can't read so well these days and spending £100,000 or so on rebranding may well attract new "potential" donors.
Design Week: Dragon Rouge to rebrand Army Benevolent Fund
Dragon Rouge: The Army Benevolent Fund (ABF) has chosen Dragon Rouge to create a new identity.