Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Yorkshire Regiment: Freedom of Rotherham Parade

On Monday soldiers from the 3rd Battaion The Yorkshire Regiment marched through the streets of Rotherham to receive the Freedom of the Borough from the town's mayor, Councillor Shaukat Ali. Thousands of townspeople turned out to support the guys and show their appreciation for the work they do.

This is the first time The Yorkshire Regiment has been directly granted a Borough Freedom since its formation in 2006. Soldiers from 3 YORKS were the last infantry unit to leave Iraq; some of their number have already been redeployed to Afghanistan.

Third Battalion officer Capt Mally Birkett said: "It's days like this that make it all worthwhile. We have a long connection with the people of Rotherham, and for them to come out and support us in this way has been absolutely fantastic. The people here are fiercely proud - there have been thousands of people out today, young and old.

"Some of the boys only got off the plane from Iraq last Monday, and when they come back and see the public supporting them in this way, it's a fantastic feeling - especially when so many of the lads are from areas around here."

Well done 3 YORKS! Well done Rotherham!

Yorkshire Warriors marching home - SLIDESHOW
MoD: Freedom of Rotherham Parade