Monday, 10 August 2009

In Memoriam: Tony Rawson

Private Tony Rawson, from 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment, was killed on Friday 10th August 2007 in Helmand, Afghanistan. Pte Rawson was killed during a firefight with the Taliban when out on patrol near Jusyalay, north east of Sangin.

His CO said: "Private Tony Rawson was a highly respected member of 1 Royal Anglian and his death is a tragic loss, deeply felt by all members of the Battalion. A close friend to many, Private Rawson was a young man passionate about his job, with a big heart and a generous and trustworthy personality who died courageously in close combat. He was a true Viking who we will never forget."

His mates in 11 Platoon, C (Essex) Company, said: "Mr Nice Guy: Never let anyone of us down even at the hardest of times, a great friend and just a brilliant soldier. Thanks for showing us the ropes when I first got to the Battalion. We felt privileged to be in the same section as you. Missed but never forgotten".

MoD: Private Tony Rawson of 1st Battalion The Royal Anglian Regiment killed in Afghanistan Lasting Tribute: Tony Rawson
BBC: Tributes to Helmand death soldier