Wednesday, 29 July 2009

Government bounced into bringing forward review of the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme

Defence Secretary Bob Ainsworth has rushed back from his holiday beach to announce a review of the compensation paid to members of the Armed Forces who are injured in the line of duty.

This evening he said: "I cannot allow the situation to continue that leaves the public in any doubt over my or the Government's commitment to our servicemen and women. Therefore, in order to deal with this complex issue in the most sensitive, effective and fair way possible, I have ordered the planned review of the compensation scheme to be brought forward from next year. The review will begin immediately in consultation with stakeholders including Service charities and families."

Ainsworth and Brown are spitting in the wind if they think the public believes in their "commitment".

What amazes me is how out of touch the government is, how cut off they are from the people. Not only that but the MoD must also have the worst PR company going.

The bombshell that exploded when the MoD took its own to court in order to claw back injury compensation payments from two soldiers was met with silence from ministers and fumbled, defensive damage limitation from the MoD.

Behind the scenes ministers obviously panicked as the government has been bounced into bringing forward the scheduled review of the compensation scheme.

Ainsworth's assurances that the review will have a positive outcome is welcomed ."I can offer an assurance, however, that new arrangements will benefit those with claims under the existing scheme, including those mentioned in the current court case."

MoD: MOD brings forward review of Armed Forces Compensation Scheme
BBC: MoD payout review to start early
MoD: Armed Forces Compensation Scheme