Saturday, 2 May 2009

A "Heroes Welcome" in Scarborough, Sefton and Stirling

The Heroes Welcome scheme was launched in June last year in Scarborough. Under the scheme a town or community commits itself to 'Giving Our Boys A Boost' by offering a hero's welcome to all visiting members of Britain's Armed Forces with many local hotals, restaurants and businesses providing discounts to service personnel.

Scarborough will soon be joined by Sefton and Stirling who have just signed up to the scheme.

Scarborough will also be hosting a really spectacular Armed Forces Day celebration on the 27th June centered around the Harbour and Beach. The day's programme will include "Visit Forward Operating Base Fishbone", the Band of the Scots Guards, Corps of Drums of the Coldstreams, a Para display team, vehicle displays, field hospital and much more.

Well done Scarborough, Sefton and Stirling and the organisers of Heroes Welcome!

Heroes Welcome website